Art can only be experienced by giving yourself into basic emotions. Let's sail through a new age experiment to find value from our roots. This will not be an attempt to grade anyone and create classes. We as a collective aatma will erase labels and celebrate art.
We chose this location to immerse ourselves with Prakruthi and enrich our Citta. Your experience with Art here will be a beautiful fusion of our native culture and its way of life.
Taste the water from the stream, smell the fragrance of Gaia. It’s a wonderful platform to connect with individuals who excel and focus on art. It’s our attempt at defining art through a collective art forum.
You don’t have to search for fun and excitement at Native Tribal Tattoo festival, it’s infused with your experience here. Remember your journey, remember how it all started.

From November 30th to December 6th, an arts festival will be held at Western Ghats, nudged between the Sahyadri Mountain ranges. Through workshops involving skin, mud, colour, music & other mediums, we aim to go back to our roots, our connection to the earth, heart & hearth, & that which grows around it.
The workshops, primarily focused on & by tattoo artists, will involve performances, demonstrations & hands-on classes to celebrate learning, observing, adopting & appreciating art, artistes & its greater role in our lives.
This vision involves you, not only as the participant, but also as the observer of creation, supporting the creator, the Originator. You are the witness of artwork created through imagination, through solitude & creating a paradise, keeping in mind to keep the environment intact, as a paradise.
The last day of this event will involve a trek in the mountains, cleaning up the plastic waste & doing our mite towards restoring & thanking the land, & its inhabitants, for giving us the vibe & ambiance.
If you are a tattoo artist, or know someone who is, please do get in touch with us, & stay updated through our social media handles.
With humility & eagerness, we look forward for your arrival.
Have any question about Native Tribal? Feel free to contact us, we would love to respond to your queries!